Lake Havasu City has public bus transportation and companies that offer reasonable flat-rate fees for transportation throughout the city.
Maps are available in printed format at the Go Lake Havasu office ( 314 London Bridge Road ) or the Visitor Center in the English Village under the London Bridge.
Files: PDF (967 KB) JPG (633 KB)
Point Summary: Boat-in campsites (BLM and State Park), launch ramps, dive spots, on-water fuel locations, lighthouses
Files: PDF (1.2 MB) JPG (260 KB)
Point Summary: Lake Havasu City, Cultural and entertainment, fishing docks, marinas, motorized and non-motorized launch ramps, points of interest, recreation, shopping, dog parks, lighthouses, designated swim areas, multi-use trail, hospital,Tinnell Memorial Sports Park
Files: PDF (938 KB) JPG (514 KB)
Point Summary: Top 5 dive spots, launch ramps, on-water fuel locations
Files: PDF (459 KB) JPG (655 KB)
Point Summary: Fishing docks, marinas, motorized and non-motorized launch ramps, points of interest, recreation, airport, dive spots, dog parks, on-water fuel locations, lighthouses, boat-in restaurants, restrooms available by boat, designated swim areas, walking trail
Files: PDF (229 KB) JPG (489 KB)
Point Summary: Multi-Use Trail, hospital, public restrooms, Island Trail, walking trail
Files: PDF (1,021 KB) JPG (475 KB)
Point Summary: Road Biking Route, Topock Gorge location, Lake Havasu City, Multi-Use Trail
Files: PDF (703 KB) JPG (351 KB)
Point Summary: Overview of Rotary Park including walking trails, sand beaches, parking, Tinnell Memorial Sports Park, ball fields, playgrounds, ramadas, swim area, Bocce Ball courts and volleyball courts
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Lake Havasu City hosts exciting, year-round events that embrace the region's sunny skies, scenic landscape and endless fun.
Lake Havasu City has a variety of tours that explore the town, lake, and desert. If you're short on time or just possess an independent…
Outdoor Adventures
Lake Havasu City is a true recreational oasis, offering year-round outdoor adventures for every kind of escape. Dive into boating, paddleboarding, and fishing on the…