Sun Safety Tips
Six Tips to Stay Sun Safe in Lake Havasu City
With its blue skies, sparkling waters, and over 300 days of sunshine a year, Lake Havasu City draws masses of sun-seeking visitors to its shores.
Though it's definitely the place to be during the summertime, some visitors may not be ready for the heat. So keep an eye on our live weather webcam page for current weather conditions and forecasts.
Here are some tips to keep safe and cool while having fun in the sun!

1.) Cover Up When the Sun's Up.
Shoulders, knees, and tops of feet--all face the sun when sitting so double up on protection with closed shoes, blankets, and sleeved tops.
Lake Havasu City features over 100 stores with beachwear for every style! Heck, even our grocery stores sport cute cover-ups and fancy foot wear. No matter what part of town you're in or what piece of that perfect beach outfit you're looking for, we've got you covered!
Don't know where to find your Havasu style? Check out our shopping districts here!
2.) Put Your Thinking Cap On.
Even if you have a thick head of hair, pesky UV rays can seep through the strands and burn your scalp.
Consider these when choosing the right hat:
- Choose a solid-topped hat to protect your scalp (avoid visors)
- Use a hat with a longer bill to shade the nose and cheek areas.
- Look for hats with wide circular brims to protect the ears and neck.

3.) Shades aren't just for style.
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, so think of sunglasses as soul protectors. The larger and darker the lens, the better.
Even if the sun does not seem blinding, or if clouds are present, the effects can be just as intense as direct sunlight.
Looking for a place to show off those new shades? Where better than a place with REAL shade. Here are shady spots at Lake Havasu.
4.) And this little piggy got burnt on the sidewalk!
Have you ever heard a rumor that Lake Havasu is so hot you could bake cookies on your dashboard? Well, it's true. Don't believe us? Check this out.
Make sure to wear shoes at all times when walking through parking lots, on sidewalks, and on unshaded beach sand. If wearing sandals, make sure to apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet and toes.

5.) Feel the burn! … or not…
The UV Index of Lake Havasu City averages in the "Extreme" range during summer months. Too much exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage, and sunscreen can do wonders in protecting your skin.
When picking a sunscreen, keep these tips in mind:
- Use cream sunscreen rather than spray. It holds better and can be applied in thicker amounts for better absorption. (Don't forget Chapstick to protect tender lips!)
- Look at the SPF levels. Always go for levels between SPF 70-100 for optimal protection. Check for the Broad Spectrum label for defense against UVA and UVB rays.
- Make sure to reapply sunscreen every two hours for adults, hourly for kids and senior citizens, and every time you get out of the water (even if the bottle says "Waterproof").
The Aquatic Center is a great option for water-based fun minus the sun. Learn more here.
6.) Drink up, Buttercup.
Water is VITAL in Lake Havasu City, especially in the summer.
Drink at least a gallon a day to stay hydrated. Also, make sure to rotate water with electrolyte drinks and fruit juices to prevent loss of nutrients and necessary sugars.
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